Importing SunSystems standard integration

The standard integration import refers to all bundle export files that have been delivered in advance in connection with the standard integration. The bundle import adds the standard load queries to the Infor EPM business application.

The file in the SunSystems content pack contains these files:
  • DEPMAPPS_staging_V.rmexport

    Contains a bundle with standard queries to be imported in Infor EPM Administration Relational Modeling in the Staging area.

  • DEPMAPPS_integration_V.rmexport

    Contains a bundle with standard queries to be imported in Infor EPM Administration Relational Modeling in the Integration area.

For more information, see Infor Enterprise Performance Management Application Data Model for Business Modeling.

To import bundles with load queries:
  1. Go to EPM Administration > Dashboards > Data integrations > Relational Modeling.
  2. Select Staging as Target Connection and click Import.
  3. Add the DEPMAPPS_staging_<version>.rmexport file.
  4. From the Application drop-down menu, select EPM Business Applications and click Next.
    The bundle import adds these load queries and tables:
    Load Query Name EPM Table Name Source Connection
    SUN_Stage_AccountingChart_FullLoad SUN_AccountingChart DataLake
    SUN_Stage_Account_FullLoad SUN_Accounts DataLake
    SUN_Stage_AmountData_FullLoad SUN_AmountData DataLake
    SUN_Stage_AnalysisCodes_FullLoad SUN_AnalysisCodes DataLake
    SUN_Stage_CodeDefinition_FullLoad SUN_CodeDefinition DataLake
    SUN_Stage_Entity_FullLoad SUN_Entity DataLake
    SUN_Stage_LedgerAnalysis01_FullLoad SUN_LedgerAnalysis01 DataLake
    SUN_Stage_LedgerAnalysis02_FullLoad SUN_LedgerAnalysis02 DataLake
    SUN_Stage_LedgerAnalysis03_FullLoad SUN_LedgerAnalysis03 DataLake
    SUN_Stage_LedgerAnalysis04_FullLoad SUN_LedgerAnalysis04 DataLake
    SUN_Stage_LedgerAnalysis10_FullLoad SUN_LedgerAnalysis10 DataLake
  5. Go to EPM > Administration > Dashboards > Data Integrations > Relational Modeling.
  6. Select EPM Integration as Target Connection and click Import.
  7. Add the DEPMAPPS_integration_<version>.rmexport file.
  8. From the Application drop-down menu, select EPM Business Applications and click Import.
    The bundle import adds these load queries and tables:
    Load Query Name EPM Table Name Source Connection
    SUN_Integ_Account_FullLoad Account Staging
    SUN_Integ_LedgerAnalysis01_FullLoad LedgerAnalysis01 Staging
    SUN_Integ_LedgerAnalysis02_FullLoad LedgerAnalysis02 Staging
    SUN_Integ_LedgerAnalysis03_FullLoad LedgerAnalysis03 Staging
    SUN_Integ_LedgerAnalysis10_FullLoad LedgerAnalysis10 Staging
    SUN_Integ_BudgetingMain_FullLoad BudgetingMain Staging
    SUN_Integ_Entity_FullLoad Entity Staging
    SUN_Integ_Organization_FullLoad Organization Staging
    Note: Depending on the customer and project requirements, the queries might need to be adjusted.