Exporting formulae files from SunSystems Cloud

  1. Access SunSystems Cloud.
  2. Specify SEG in the search field and select User groups (SEG).
  3. Go to SunSystems Users > ZZZZZ.
  4. Select Function Permission for Formula Designer Import Export (FDE) in the Permissions drop-down menu.
  5. Click Sign out in the User menu drop-down menu.
  6. Access SunSystems Cloud again.
  7. Make sure these elements have been created:
    • Value Labels (VLB)
    • Value Books (VBK)
    • Sales Price Book (SPB)
    • Purchase Price Book (PPB)
    • User Defined Inventory Cost (IUC)
  8. Specify CBU in the search field and select Change Business Unit (CBU).
  9. Select required business unit in the Business Unit Code field.
  10. Specify FDE in the search field and select Formula Designer Import Export (FDE).
  11. Select EXPORT.
    This message will be displayed:
    Export completed successfully. Exported files saved in Storage in the Data Migration folder
  12. Specify STO in the search field and select Storage (STO).
  13. Go to the Storage > Application > Data Migration folder and download these files:
    • DOMN_FML_MAP.csv
    • FORMULA.csv
    • ZZZ_PB_DEFN.csv
    • ZZZ_UD_COST_DEFN.csv
    • ZZZ_VLAB.csv