Importing, exporting and creating formulae files to Designer Edition
Import formulae files to Designer Edition.
- Browse to Designer Edition folder on your local drive and create a new folder.
- Copy and paste files downloaded in Step 13 from Exporting formulae files from SunSystems Cloud to your newly created folder.
- Access Designer Edition Web Client.
- Specify ADMIN in the User ID field.
- Specify SEG in the search field and select User groups (SEG).
- Go to SunSystems Users > ZZZZZ.
- Select Function Permission for Formula Designer Import Export (FDE) in the Permissions drop-down menu.
- Click Sign out in the User menu drop-down menu.
- Specify ZZZ in the User ID field.
- Specify FDE in the search field and select Formula Designer Import Export (FDE).
- Specify the path to folder created in Step 1a in the File Path field.
- Select Import and then click Yes.
Access Formula Designer Rich Client using the same server where Designer
Edition is installed.
Newly imported formulae elements are now available in the Variables list and can be used to create a new formulae.
Export formulae files from Designer Edition.
- Access Designer Edition Web Client again.
- Specify FDE in the search field and select Formula Designer Import Export (FDE).
Click Export and specify
the path to a local folder on the Designer Edition server.
Note: This can be the same folder as in Step 1 or a new folder.
- Copy files from Step 1b and paste them to a local drive of the machine from which the SunSystems Cloud is accessed.