Blanket contract processing

If a valid contract exists, items are automatically called off against it during Purchase Order Entry (POE) or Sales Order Entry (SOE).

Checking Validity

When a purchase or sales order line is entered, the system checks the supplier/customer and item combination to see if a valid contract exists for it. If so, the dates on the contract are checked to see if it is currently in force. The contract is then checked to ensure the quantity has not been exceeded.

Contract Quantities

If the quantity on the contract has been exceeded by other orders, or if the order line being entered will exceed it, a warning message is displayed. Click OK to continue processing.

Note: It is possible to continue using a contract after the quantity has been exceeded, but you can prevent this by changing the contract status to Closed.


If a valid contract is found, the unit price from the contract is used for the order line. The value label that has been identified on the purchase type or sales type as holding the unit price, has the contract unit price entered into it. Any associated formulas with that value label are ignored.

Contract Id

If a valid contract is found and the unit price from the contract is used, the Contract ID is automatically entered on the order line.

Control Desks

You can use the control desk functionality to evaluate the current contract position, that is, the quantity called off against the contract to date. You can use the Contract ID as part of the filter and set up a control desk around the sales or purchase order line. Control desks can group or summarize data around the Contract Id to give a total quantity ordered.

Finding More Than One Valid Blanket Contract

More than one blanket contract can exist for an individual customer or supplier and item during a given period. For example, coming to the end of one contract and starting a new one, which may involve overlapping dates. During order entry, the blanket contract with the latest start date is automatically used by default.

If two contracts have the same start date, the contract with the earlier end date is used.