Setting up Inventory Count (ICS) - Count Area

Specify the ranges to be used when generating the count.

Note: If the From and To values are left blank, the entire range of values are included. Values do not need to be valid values. For example, item code range AAA to FFF could be used to count all items between these two values, but there does not need to be an item code AAA or FFF.
  1. Specify this information:
    Warehouse, Zone and Location Range
    The first storage area in the range to be included. That is, the From code.
    To Warehouse, Zone and Location
    The last storage area in the range to be included.
    Item Code, Batch Reference and Product Group Range
    The first code in the range of items or batches or product groups to be included. That is, the From code.
    To Item Code, Batch and Product Group Range
    The last code in the range of items and/or batches to be included.
    Pareto Analysis Range and To
    The range of Pareto Analysis Codes as set on the item master. A range of A to Not Applicable selects all items. A range of Not Applicable to Not Applicable includes only items with this value. A range of B to Not Applicable includes items with the codes of B, C and Not Applicable.
    Run Time Override

    You can select up to four parameters which can be overridden by the user at run time. The options are:

    • Warehouse
    • Zone
    • Location
    • Item
    • Batch Number
    • Analysis Dimension 1-5 - this refers to the analysis dimension codes only, not the dimension itself.
    • Characteristic 1-5 - this refers to the characteristic codes only, not the characteristic itself.
    • Not Defined
  2. Save your changes.