What Matching and Allocation Facilities are Available?

Within SunSystems you can match or allocate transactions online in Ledger Entry (LEN); or, once transactions have been posted, by using Account Allocations (ACA), Transaction Matching (TRM) or Reconciliation Manager (RCM).

Allocating During Manual Ledger Entry

If you use Online Allocation, you can match transactions at the same time as you enter them onto your ledger. For example, if you are entering a cash receipt onto a debtor/receivables account, you can immediately match the cash to the invoices and credits that have been paid.

Online allocation is often the most efficient way to match transactions, particularly cash receipts or manual payments.

You can use a journal preset to automatically display the online allocation form as part of the ledger entry process.

Allocating After Ledger Entry

There are times when you need to carry out the allocation process as a separate step, after all of the transactions have been entered onto the ledger. For example, if you are posting an unidentified receipt from a bank statement, you cannot allocate it online as part of the cash input process. In this case, once you have posted the miscellaneous receipt, you must identify the customer and items that have been paid. Then you can allocate the cash transaction to the corresponding invoice and/or credit transactions on the customer's debtor/receivables account.

SunSystems provides the following methods of matching transactions after they have been posted to the ledger:

  • Account Allocations (ACA) allows you to manually allocate selected transactions on an account
  • Transaction Matching (TRM) allows you to allocate transactions on several accounts using predefined matching criteria
  • Reconciliation Manager (RCM) allows you to match entries both automatically according to predefined match criteria, or manually.
  • Account Allocations also allows you to amend some of the details available on a transaction, in particular the allocation marker and payment term details. See 'What Transaction Details can be Amended Using Account Allocation'.
  • All of the matching functions perform additional tasks when Financials is being used as a broker ledger, to meet the Pay as Paid requirements. When linked transactions are matched and posted the matching processes automatically find any other transactions with the same intra-transaction link and release these for payment.