Amending a purchase return note

You can amend certain fields on a Purchase Return Note, if required.

Information on the purchase return header can be changed as purchase order header information can be changed. The Purchase Type cannot be changed, but the Supplier Code can, up to a certain point.

What you can amend on the line and if you can delete it depends on:

  • whether the line has been released
  • whether the line has been allocated, if required
  • whether the line has been confirmed
  • whether the line has had the inventory issued.

Changing important information such as the item code, quantities, location and so on., is dependent on the status of the line as outlined above. Other reference information such as reason codes, delivery dates and so on., are not affected by the status of the lines.

If the line has been generated through Generate Debit Lines or Advanced Generate, then the item code cannot be changed.