Rebuilding Budget Balances


Before rebuilding budget balances you are strongly recommended to:

  • backup your data by backing up the entire system database.
  • validate the rebuild process on a test business unit that you have copied using the copy process in Business Unit Administration (BUA), before running it on your live data.
  • process all Order Fulfilment Batch Postings to the Ledger (BPL) that relate to purchase transactions, and any Ledger Import (LIM) files that correspond to budget check accounts.

What You Need to Know Before Running the Rebuild Process

It is important that you have a thorough understanding of what the budget balances are and what they are used for before you attempt to run the rebuild process. You should also know:

  • what data is used as the source for rebuilding the budget balances
  • what data is excluded from the rebuild process
  • what data is lost when you rebuild the budget balances
  • the steps involved in the rebuild process.