Setting up Payment Profiles (PYP) - Currency Thresholds

The Currency for Payments option in Ledger Setup (LES) determines whether payments can be made in the transaction currency or fourth currency values.

If you have chosen to select payments using one of these transaction currency values, you can include, or exclude, selected currencies from a Payment Run or Payment Collection Run. Similarly, if you have chosen to produce payments only in base currency, you can include or exclude transactions that reference a transaction currency from a payment run or payment collection run.

  1. Click the Currency Thresholds tab in the Payment Profiles (PYP) dialog.
  2. Specify this information:
    This flag indicates whether the currency codes selected are to be included or excluded for payment. If you select All, all transaction currency or fourth currency value currencies are considered for payment and you are not able to enter any currency or threshold details. Select Exclude to exclude transactions that reference the selected currencies. Select Include to include transactions that reference the selected currencies. For example, you might want to restrict the run to selected currencies if only those currencies can be paid out of the Payment Account chosen for the run.
    Currency Codes 1-13
    You can include or exclude up to 13 currency codes on this tab. If you want to include or exclude additional currencies, you can enter them in the Additional Currencies tab. If the Currency for Payments option is selected in Ledger Setup (LES), enter the currency codes to be included, or excluded, from the selection process. You should not use a hyphen in this situation. If the Currency for Payments option is not selected in Ledger Setup (LES), payments are only made in base currency. In a multi-currency environment, if you have chosen the Only present if entered setting for the Other Currency Posting Rule in Business Unit Setup, some of your transactions may include both base and transaction currency values, and others only include only a base currency value. You can enter a '-' hyphen here to select transactions with a base currency value only, assuming you have used the Include setting above; but if you do, it will not be possible to override the currency code of the payments in Payment Run (PYR).
    Currency From/To 1-13
    The range of amounts you want to be selected by this profile, for the currency specified. This limits the total value of transactions that can be selected for a particular currency. If you leave these blank and you have specified an amount range for the base currency on this rule, the amount range for this currency is calculated from the base currency. You can specify currency amount ranges for up to thirteen of the currencies included on this rule.
    Note: If you select Exclude and specify one or more currency codes, the Currency From/To amount fields are ignored, and all transactions in those currencies are excluded from the payment or collection run.
  3. Save your changes.