Adding a component to a bill of materials using quick adds

  1. Select Bill of Materials Manager (BOM) from the SunSystems menu.
  2. Select the Parent Item Code.
  3. Click New Version.
  4. From the Action menu select Quick Add Components.
    The Quick Add Component form is displayed.
  5. Specify this information:
    Item Code From and To
    If the From code is entered and the To code is left blank then the From code is copied to the To code.
    Note: You can also use the query button to look up the Item Code, but the codes entered by the user do not have to exist in the Item Master (for example in PK1 example BU entering GN0000 into From & GN9999 in To would retrieve all Item Codes between GN1001C & GN7720, as would entering from 'GN' to 'GP').
    The full or partial description of the component.
    Product Group
    A valid Product Group Code.
    Note: : If the selection criteria fields are blank no selection is made by that criteria.
  6. Click OK.
    A list of item codes that match the selection criteria are displayed.
  7. Select one or more Item Codes in the first grid.
  8. Click Add to BOM.
    The selected items are copied to the second grid.
  9. Click Finish.
    The item codes from the second grid are added to the bill of material.