Purchase Return Note form - Other Line Input

Purchase Return Notes use the same functionality as purchase orders, so other purchase order fields can be added to the returns form as required. These fields are added or removed using Form Designer.

  1. Specify this information:
    Default Supplier Return Location
    The location where items to be returned are held. You can define return locations on different forms and these are used in a hierarchy when a purchase return note is raised. That is, the system searches for the locations in a specific order. If none is found on the first form it searches the next form and so on. You can change the location displayed or manually enter a location if none is displayed. The return locations can be defined on the following forms and are searched in this order: Item Master, Supplier and Purchase Type. The Default Return Location field on any of these forms may be left blank. The location selected may be a quarantined location.
  2. Save your changes.