Partial refresh – application input parameters

Some applications may rely on input parameters stored in another application. For example, the Landmark (TAM) application relies on document types stored in the IDM application. Instead of refreshing the entire database of these applications, you can specify which application input parameters to refresh. Review the guides for your applications to find if this capability is supported.

Use Feature Enablement to enable the refresh of application input parameters. Use Feature Enablement to enable PartialDataRefresh for the application that relies on input parameters stored in another application. For the above example, you would enable PartialDataRefresh for the Landmark (TAM) application. See the Using the Feature Enablement for environments section of this guide for instructions on using Feature Enablement.

Use this procedure to perform a refresh of application input parameters:

  1. Select Multi-Tenant > CloudSuites.
  2. Click Refresh CloudSuite.
  3. Select the target CloudSuite.
  4. In the Refresh CloudSuite dialog box, clear the Full Refresh check box. When selected, each selected environment undergoes a full refresh, meaning that the entire database of each target environment is refreshed. When deselected, you can choose to perform a partial refresh for the selected environments. This option does not affect the ability to select or deselect the products included in the refresh.
  5. Select the environments that rely on another application to store input parameters and the environment that stores the input parameters.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Partial Refresh Input Parameters screen, expand the application-level menus. For each listed application, select input parameters and enter a Duration.
  8. Click Next. If you failed to specify any information, you are prompted to make changes.
  9. Specify this information:
    Run Date
    Select the refresh date.
    Run Window
    Select a predefined run window from the list. The run window indicates a period of time during which the refresh can run. The refresh is started during the run window and continues running until it is finished. To prevent the server overload, there is a limit of refreshes that are allowed in a time window. If the limit is reached, the time window is not available for scheduling on the specific date. See the Window Details section in the dialog box for the specific times that are associated with the selected run window.
  10. Click Submit.

    If any required field is left blank, an error message is displayed. Specify the missing information and click Submit.

    For more information on configuring a data refresh, go to Infor Concierge and create a support incident.