Access control fields

These fields are used for granting or revoking a user's access privileges:
Activate/Deactivate User
Controls the user's ability to log into CSSP.
User Roles
Controls the role of the user. Multiple roles can be selected from this field. The user gets permissions associated with each selected role.
Subscribe to Email Notifications
Determines if the user receives notifications through email.
Subscribe to SMS Alerts?
Determines if the user receives certain notifications through text messages. To specify types of notifications, enable these options:
  • Subscribe to Maintenance Complete SMS Alerts?
  • Subscribe to Application Healthy Status SMS Alerts?
To enable Subscribe to SMS Alerts? option, the country and phone number must first be set for a user through Infor Concierge. If a country code is used in the phone number, be sure to include a + at the beginning, for example +1-111-111-111, or notifications may not be sent.
Primary Contact
Designates a user as a primary contact. This field is primarily for your company's own use and is not referred to by Infor.