Create a local package without tags

  1. Sign in to CSSP.
  2. Select Configuration Management > Local Packages.
  3. Click Create Package.
  4. Specify this information on the Select Source Tenant tab:
    Package Name
    Specify a name for the package.
    Optionally, specify a description of the package.
    Source Tenant
    Select the tenant from which the resources are to be exported, such as PRD or TRN.
    Package Type
    Currently, only local packages are supported.
  5. Click Next to go to the Select Export Option tab.
  6. Select Manual Selection from the list and click Next to go to the Select Applications tab.
  7. Select the check box next to each application that you are using as the source for the export.
  8. Click Next to go to the Select Package Options tab.

    Each application that you selected in the previous step has a tab labeled with the application’s name.

  9. For each tab, specify this information:
    Select the organization from the list.
    Export Options
    Select the check boxes next to the options. The options and categories are displayed in an expanding folder list. Selecting a category selects all options in that category. Likewise, deselecting a category deselects all the options in that category.
  10. Click Next to go to the Review and Submit tab.
  11. Verify the local package details and click Submit to submit the package creation request.
  12. If there are any unselected dependencies, a Dependency Validation Messages dialog box displays. On this dialog box, tabs show for each application for which there are missing dependencies. Each tab has information about the missing dependencies. You must select one of these options on each tab to continue with package creation:
    • Resolve. Clicking Resolve automatically selects the missing dependencies for the current application. We recommend clicking Resolve in most cases.
    • Ignore. Clicking Ignore lets you proceed without selecting the missing dependencies. We do not recommend clicking Ignore unless you are sure the dependencies are unnecessary.
  13. Click Yes when prompted to confirm.
  14. Click OK on the Success window.

    This triggers the local package creation flow. CSSP triggers API calls to the applications and the applications start creating the package in the background.

    You can monitor package creation status from the Local Packages page. During package creation the status is In Progress. When package creation is finished, the status changes to Success or Failure.

    If you encounter an error during package creation, submit a ticket with the Infor Support team.