Changing the display language for Smart Help

You can control the language displayed in Smart Help.

The Smart Help user interface is available in all languages supported by Infor Ming.le™ and Infor OS Portal™. The Smart Help user interface will display in the language/locale values selected by the user in User Settings.

You can manage your:

The language to use throughout your interface, such as English. The default is Your Browser Default.
The locale to use throughout your interface, such as English (United States). The default is Your Browser Default.
Time Zone
The time zone to use throughout your interface. The default is Your System Default.

In Infor OS Portal, manage your language and locale in User Settings > Localization.

In Infor Ming.le, manage your language and locale in User Settings > Localization Settings.

If translated online help content is available in the selected language, Smart Help will automatically display it. If translated online help is not available, a fallback language (usually English) will display.