Configure the document type in Infor Document Management

Configure Infor Document Management to work with Smart Help. This task is performed by a user with the IDM-administrator role.

  1. As an Infor Document Management administrator, log in to Infor Ming.le™ or Infor OS Portal™.
  2. Navigate to Document Management.
    In Infor Ming.le, click the application switcher, then select Document Management.
    In Infor OS Portal, click the Document Management tab from the OS Home page. Alternatively, click the Navigation Menu, and then select Document Management from the Applications list.
  3. In the upper right corner, click the Control Center Gear icon. The Control Center page is displayed.
  4. Click Document Type in the Administration tab.
  5. Click + New Document Type to create a new document type.
  6. Specify a Display name of SMARTHELP. The Name field is automatically populated.
  7. Select the Template checkbox.
  8. Accept the default selections/settings for the other fields.
  9. Click Next.
  10. To add an attribute, click the + at the top of the Attributes window.
  11. Specify this information:
    Display name
    Enter SCREENID
    Data type
    From the drop-down menu, select String
    Single-value and Multi-value options
    Select the Multi-value option. This choice allows you to assign multiple screens to any documents in this type.
  12. Click Next.
  13. In the Access Control List, select an option.
    • Private: Only the last modifier of the new item can read and edit it.
    • Public: All users and can read and edit the item.
  14. Click Set as Default ACL to set the selected access level as the default for this item.
    For more information on this step, see the Infor Document Management Administration Guide.
  15. Click Done.
  16. Click Back to Documents and then click the Control Center Gear icon.
  17. In Configuration, click Document Type Filter.
  18. Click New Filter.
  19. In the New Filter window, select the appropriate user role, for example IDM-User, then click OK.
  20. Select the Enable Filter slider.
  21. Search Available Document Types for "SMARTHELP".
  22. Click SMARTHELP to move it the Selected Document Types list.
  23. Click Save Changes.