Adding screen IDs to managed and web documents

  1. Log in to Infor Ming.le™ as a user with administrator privileges. From the application switcher, select the application and screen where you want the document to appear.
  2. In the Context Viewer, select InforBusinessContextObjects from the Message Type drop-down menu. Copy the screen ID into a text editor, such as Notepad. The screen ID appears in the format:
    "screenId": "[screen_ID]", where [screen_ID] is the screen ID of that screen.
  3. To add the content to multiple screens, repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each screen.
  4. In Infor User Adoption Platform, navigate to the document translation in the Document Library.
  5. From the upper right corner, select Actions > Edit Properties.
  6. Assign a template to the document. The template must have the Transaction Code property enabled.
  7. Add the required screen ID values to the Transaction Code property.
  8. Click Save.