Smart Help content categories

Smart Help can connect to different content repositories, including Infor product documentation, Knowledge Base articles, training materials, and customer documents. This table shows the different content types currently available and their source:

Content type Content source
Product documentation website
Knowledge Base articles Infor Concierge/Infor Support Portal (Service Now in 2024.x)
Training materials Infor User Adoption Platform (UAP)
Customer documents Infor Document Management

The content that is available in Smart Help can be organized into two categories:

Infor Content
This is content generated by Infor for the product you are viewing.
My Content
This is content created by the customer.

This table shows the different content types currently available and their content category:

Content type Example
Infor Content Product documentation A task topic or page overview from our documentation on the website
Support articles Knowledge Base articles from Infor Concierge/Infor Support Portal (Service Now in 2024.x)
My Content Training materials Content and simulations from UAP
Note: UAP requires its own license.
Customer documents Content created by you or your company uploaded from Infor Document Management, such as a PDF or a training video