Adding content in Infor Document Management

Before you begin, make sure that the Context Viewer is displayed in the context applications pane of your application screen. See Enable and configure the Infor Ming.le™ Context Viewer.

For detailed information on working with documents in Infor Document Management, see the Infor Document Management User Guide.

  1. Log in to Infor Ming.le™ or Infor OS Portal™ as a user with Infor Document Management administrator privileges.
  2. Navigate to the application and screen where you want the document to appear.
  3. In the Context Viewer, copy the screen ID attribute from screenId into a text editor, such as Notepad. The screen ID appears in the format:
    "screenId": "[screen_ID]", where [screen_ID] is the screen ID of that screen.
  4. To add the content to multiple screens, repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each screen.
  5. From the application switcher or from Infor OS Portal, access Document Management.
  6. Click + Add Document.
  7. Scroll or type to search for the document type SMARTHELP.
  8. Select SMARTHELP.
  9. Select the blank template.
  10. To add a file, drag and drop or browse to the file's location.
  11. Select the Attributes tab. Specify this information:
    Enter the screen ID you found and copied in Step 2.
  12. To add the content to another screen, repeat Step 9 for the remaining screen ID or IDs.
  13. Optionally, select the Security tab to change the access control list from the default option.
  14. Click Save.