Unique IBC screenIDs

Infor applications must adopt Infor Business Context (IBC) messaging that includes a logicalID attribute and a unique screenID. This is a requirement for both Infor Ming.le and Infor OS Portal. The IBC then passes the unique screenID for each page, form, window, tab, screen, etc., that needs documentation or other content associated with it for Smart Help.

An example screenID is:

screenId: "eam_PurchaseOrderDetails

There are product development requirements for screenIDs. The ID:

  • Should not contain a version or release
  • Must not contain any spaces ( ) and must be a string
  • Must be static and stable
  • Must be unique in the product and not just within the software component
  • Is prefixed with a unique product ID that matches the logicalID prefix

See https://inforwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/companyon/pages/109349745/Infor+OS+Portal+-+Infor+Business+Context for more information on IBC messages.