Local search
Local search is the default search variant for the Items search mode. The user's warehouse is displayed and used by the item search by default. You cannot change the warehouse manually in the input field. To change the warehouse manually, click the Look up icon. The newly selected warehouse is then the base for sourcing when the order line is created. If the order is a resumed order, then the last selected warehouse for that order is used in the new field, not the default warehouse.
To execute the search, specify a search string and press the Enter key, or click the Search icon. The search is made with Infor Enterprise Search for M3, using the key search in 'Key Search. Open' (CMS030) as specific in Sales Hub Properties 'Field Name' in Search tab, Item Search - Local Search section, Key Search subsection.
Use the filter and facets category to further filter the search result. The facets can be used by themselves to find items. The general filters are available after a search has been performed.
The hyperlink in Name/Item Number column opens the Item Details panel for the selected item.
The quantity is indicated by a color to highlight availability. The color is red if the quantity is negative or zero, yellow if the quantity is between one and four, green if the quantity is five or more, and black if the item is classified as Not stocked. Items are classified as Not stocked if the Inventory Planned field in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002/E) is set to 10='Not stocked'.
Click the
button to add items to the basket. If the quantity field is empty, the default quantity is 1.For local search, you can also switch to an 'In line entry' variant of the panel which is designed to enable keyboard-only entry.