Manual discount

To change the discount manually, click the hyperlink in the Discount column. If the basket line has a discount already, the hyperlink text displayed is Discount percentage, otherwise the hyperlink displayed is Set discount.

Click the hyperlink to open the Discount Calculator dialog box. The last selected mode in the Discount Calculator is retained and displayed when you open it the next time.

Click Simple calculator to switch to the simple discount calculator.

You can change the discount amount, discount percentage, margin percentage and net price. You cannot lower the price below the cost price. If you go lower than the cost price, a message is displayed. To apply the changes, click APPLY Discount button. The Edit order panel is opened and the discount in the Discount column is adjusted.

You can add additional discounts manually.

To add an additional discount, set the Additional Discount to Yes in the Discount Calculator dialog box.

In Discount Calculator - Discount Number, in Sales Hub Properties, specify the discount number to use when additional discount is updated on the order line.

Additional Discount means that the manual discount is added to the already existing automatically calculated discounts, and the automatically calculated discounts are retained.

Replacement Discount means that the manual discount replaces the existing automatically calculated discounts. The automatically calculated discounts are set to zero.