In the context of an order

When a basket is ready to be checked out, click the MY BASKET icon in the item search and item details to expand the basket. The items in the basket, the quantity, and the prices are shown in an expanded basket view. To remove an item from the basket, click the Trashcan icon.

These buttons are available:

  • EDIT ORDER: When you click this button, the Edit Order panel in the checkout process is started.
    Note: If the order is a quotation, the button is named EDIT QUOTATION.
  • CHECK OUT: The behavior of this button is controlled by Express check out parameter in General tab in Infor Sales Hub properties.

    If Express check out is disabled, click the CHECK OUT button to start the checkout process on the Shipping panel.

    If the Express check out is enabled, click the CHECK OUT button to open up the Document dialog box directly. This means that several panels in the checkout process are skipped in order to speed up the checkout.
    Note: Note that this functionality is only enabled for orders with the ACCOUNT payment term. If there are credit limit warnings, the Payment panel is opened instead of the Document dialog box.