Order summary

The Order Summary subtab is available in the right-hand part of the screen on all the panels in the checkout process.

To open a window to display and print order information, click the icon to the right of the heading of the Order Summary subtab.

The Order Summary subtab contains this information:

  • Order number: This is the number of the customer order head for the current customer order in M3 BE. An icon is available to the right of this field on the Confirmation panel. Click the icon to open 'Customer Order. Open Toolbox' (OIS300/B), positioned on the order number. This requires a link to be set up in Complete in M3 field in Exits tab in Infor Sales Hub Properties.

  • Customer’s order number: This is the value of CUOR field for the current customer order head. The Edit icon opens the Customer’s order number dialog box, used to change the value. Any settings for masks are considered when validating the new field. Click SUBMIT to update the customer order in M3 BE with the new value using API OIS100MI.ChgOrderRef.

  • Your reference: This is the value of YREF field for the current customer order head. The Edit icon opens the Your Reference dialog box, where you can change the value. Click SUBMIT to update the customer order in M3 BE with the new value using API OIS100MI.ChgOrderRef.

    A lookup for contact persons is available if Properties > General > Contact Person is enabled.

  • Charges: The Edit icon is available on all panels in the checkout process, apart from for the Confirmation panel. When you click Edit, the Charges dialog box is opened. The information in this panel is retrieved with API OIS100MI.LstOrderCharge. Only charges that have the Calculation amount parameter in 'CO Charge. Open'(OIS030/E) set to 0-Fixed amount are visible. Also, only charges with the same currency as the customer and the order are visible. To change the description and the amount of charges, make a change and click ADD. To delete charges, click DELETE. To update the charges in M3 BE, click SUBMIT .

    Not shown in Confirmation panel, because Charges and Line charges are shown as a consolidated field Charges in that panel.

  • Line charges: Displays the total line charges for the order and is only visible if the order contains line charges.

    Not shown in Confirmation panel, because Charges and Line charges are shown as a consolidated field External Charges in that panel.

  • Estimated VAT/Tax: The term Estimated VAT is used if Tax method = 1 in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/G). The term Estimated tax is used if Tax method = 2, 3, 4, or 5 in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/G).

    The calculated Estimated VAT is a preliminary calculation that may change after the order is invoiced.

    A tooltip is shown when hovering Estimated VAT/Tax and the information shown depends on the tax method selected.

    • For VAT: Further VAT may be applied during the checkout process based on final order details.
    • For Sales Tax: Further sales taxes may be applied during the checkout process based on final order details.
  • Pay Now
    • If the order type supports advance invoicing (Advance Invoice = 1), you can enter a value to pay in the Pay Now field in Order Summary. This value is then used as the amount to be invoiced in advance. The value in Pay Now can not be larger than the order value.

      When you check out the order, and there is a value in field Pay Now, an advance invoice is rendered, and if 'Cash Desk' is active in Sales Hub, the invoice is to be paid in the Sales Hub Cash Desk.

    • If the order type supports deposits (Advance Invoice = 5) and payment method Cash is used, a deposit is calculated if the item is qualified for deposits. When you check out the order, the deposit amount to pay is displayed in the Order Summary.

      The deposit amount displayed always includes VAT or Tax. To display the deposit amount without VAT or Tax, hover over the deposit amount. To change the calculated deposit amount for each order line, use the edit icon.

      If there is a value in Pay Now field and if 'Cash Desk' is active in Sales Hub, the deposit amount is to be paid in the Sales Hub Cash Desk.

      Stock items on the order are handled in two ways, depending on the payment method and how and when the items are picked.

      • If the selected payment method is Cash, and the items are set as Picked in the Shipping panel, then the payment is made as the last step in the checkout process in the Sales Hub Cash Desk.
      • If the selected payment method is Cash, and items are to be picked through a dispatch process in M3 Business Engine, then the payment is managed by the M3 Business Engine when items are dispatched.
  • Generate quotation: Click the button to convert the basket to a quotation. This option is available if at least one of the order types set up in Infor Sales Hub Properties, Order Types section in General tab is defined as an order type for a quotation. A quotation order type is set up with CO Category = 4 (Quotation) in 'CO Type. Open' (OIS010). Click the button to open the New Order Details dialog box. Only order types with CO Category = 4 (Quotation) are available in Order type drop down menu .

  • View order margin: Click this button to show order margin information. On the Edit Order panel, the margin information by order line in the order line list is also shown. To set the visibility of the order margin information go to Properties > General > Display margin information.

  • Delete order: Click Delete order to open the Delete order dialog box. To confirm the deletion, click SUBMIT. Functionality to indicate lost sales with a reason code is available here if the Properties > General > Lost sales setting is enabled. The order header in M3 BE is deleted with API OIS100MI.DelHead, the basket is removed from Infor Sales Hub and the landing page is opened. This icon is available on the Edit order, Shipping and Payment panels.

    Order information such as subtotal and order total are also shown.

  • Bypass Documents: Select the Bypass Documents check box to skip the Documents dialog box. The next time you enter the checkout, the last selected option is set to Bypass Documents by default.

    These are the exceptions to the Documents dialog box that cause it to always be displayed, regardless of the value in the Bypass Documents check box:

    • If the order contains a manual deposit invoice for payment.
    • If the order contains a calculated deposit to be paid.
    • If the Express Check Out setting is activated in the Sales Hub properties.

Click the Share icon to open the Order Summary dialog box, where you can verify and print the order summary. To print the order summary, click the Print icon.