View other warehouses

Click View other warehouses to open the Available warehouses dialog box.

The list shows the available warehouses for the selected item, meaning the records in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002) and available quantities. Warehouses belonging to another division are visible but not selectable.

You can use a filter to include warehouses with stock only.

You can also filter on nearby warehouses. Nearby warehouses for a specific warehouse are set up in Collab stores field in 'Shop. Open' (OPS500/E).

Select a warehouse and click SUBMIT to go back to the Item details panel with updated information based on the new warehouse. If you add the item to the basket and check it out, the new warehouse is used in Warehouse field on that specific customer order line in M3 BE.

Note: You cannot change warehouse like this in Infor Sales Hub if there is an active supply model on the order, or if Several warehouses permitted parameter in 'CO Type. Open' (OIS010/J) in M3 BE is disabled.

To manually acquire an item, open the Manual Sourcing dialog box. When you open it, the main supplier from Item or Warehouse is set by default, and prices and discounts are retrieved.

To select alternate suppliers, click the binoculars icon in the Supplier field to search by Supplier/Item or Supplier. If you select an alternate supplier, a new price and discount inquiry is done. The currency is retrieved from the supplier and cannot be changed.

The Order Initiation (Line Type 1) and Direct Delivery (Line Type 2) fields are controlled by the customer order type selected.

This functionality requires the settings in Manual Sourcing section in General tab in Infor Sales Hub Properties are set up.