Not in the context of an order

When all the required items have been added to the basket, click the icon MY BASKET in the blue header in the item search and item details to expand the basket. The items in the basket, the quantity and prices are shown in an expanded basket view. Two buttons are available:

CONTINUE: This opens the Start a New Order dialog box with the following message: “You are about to start a new order. The next step would be to search and select a customer”. If you click CONTINUE, the customer search is opened. You can to search for a customer (or create a new customer from a customer template). After selecting a customer, the New Order Details dialog box is opened where you can select information to be used on the customer order header. When the order is created, the selected items are added to it.


This button is visible if the following two conditions are met:

  • Parameter "Inbox" in tab "General" in Infor Sales Hub properties is set.
  • A customer is set in field "Customer" in 'Warehouse. Open' (MMS005/E).

Click this button to open the Reference dialog box where you can input a reference to locate the basket at a later stage. The SUBMIT button saves the basket to inbox. The item search is opened again. The saved basket can be found in tab “Inbox”.