Item Search – Add ECI

The ADD ECI button is available to the right in the blue header for both search modes if you work in the context of a basket and if Properties > General > Hide ECI setting is set to No. Click the button to open the Select an ECI template dialog box.

The list that is displayed shows all ECIs with category 11 (coded) and 12 (non-coded), using record SH_ECI_KEY in the M3 BE program 'Key Search. Open' (CMS030). This record is delivered as a part of the Infor Sales Hub content package.

Note: We do not recommend modifying the record.

Select an ECI template and click CONTINUE to open the Add ECI dialog box.

These input fields are required:

  • Line type

    Order initiation or direct delivery. The value is used when creating the customer order line in M3 BE. The values entered here correspond to Line Type parameter in 'Customer Order. Open Line' (OIS101).

  • Requested delivery date

    The default date is retrieved from the order head, but can be changed.

  • Delivery Method

    The available delivery methods that are shown are all the available delivery methods in 'Delivery Method. Open' (CRS070). The information is retrieved using API CRS175MI.LstGeneralCode with constant value MODL as input.

    You can set up a filter on delivery methods by using the functionality in Delivery Method – Filter section in General tab in Infor Sales Hub properties. The filter setting is applied here. If the filter is used, and the default delivery method is not set up to be included in the filter, the default delivery method is blank. You can then manually set the delivery method to a delivery method included in the filter.

  • Supplier

    Click the icon to open the Supplier dialog box and search for a supplier.

    The fields shown in the supplier list are configurable in M3 BE program 'Customer List MI. Open' (CMS015). The CMS015 record used is defined in Infor Sales Hub Properties, List Viewfield in Search tab, subsection Supplier Search). Record Lst_SH_Supplier is delivered as a part of the Infor Sales Hub content package, and is the default setting.

    Note: If you edit the default record, the edited changes will be overridden in the next monthly release. To avoid it, create a new list record with personalized configuration.

    If you edit the record in (CMS015), the changes are applied in Infor Sales Hub the next day.

  • Item name, Item description, Quantity, Purchase price, Sales price

    The values are used for the new item when you create the customer order line in M3 BE.

    The purchase price and sales price are entered manually.

Click SUBMIT to add the ECI to the basket in Infor Sales Hub. The ECI dialog box is then closed and you are navigated back to the item search. If the ECI template is a coded ECI template (category 11), the ECI item is also added to M3 BE table MITMAS.