Item conditions

An item is considered to require manual completion in M3 BE if one of the following conditions are met:

  • Core items: Item is set up as a core item in M3 BE and has a core charge connected to it.
  • Configured items: Parameter CHCD = 1 in 'Item. Open' (MMS001).
  • Attribute managed items: Parameter ATMN > 0 in 'Item. Open' (MMS001)
  • Definite kit items: A kit defined on all available facilities.

  • Definite order initiated items: Parameter “Planning method” = “3 – Order Driven” in M3 BE program ‘Item. Connect Warehouse’ (MMS002) on all available warehouses.

  • Potential kit items: Not defined as kits on all facilities. An additional check is made when the item is added to the order to find out if it is a kit based on the facility of the user.
  • Potential order initiated items: Parameter “Planning method” in M3 BE program ‘Item. Connect Warehouse’ (MMS002) not equal to “3 – Order Driven” on some warehouses. An additional check is made the item is added to the order to find out if it is a definite order initiated item based on the warehouse of the user.