Delivery addresses

The Delivery address field is available. You cannot add information manually in the input field, instead the look up must be opened. The look up icon opens the Delivery Addresses dialog box. The list is empty at first but when a search is performed, the list in the dialog displays the delivery addresses of the customer, meaning addresses with address type = 1 in 'Customer. Connect Addresses' (OIS002) that applies to the search query. The list is configurable. A delivery address can be selected. Click APPLY to use it for the order.

The button REMOVE ADDRESS is used to remove a previously added delivery address from the basket. When you click this button, you navigate back to the Shipping panel and the field value in the Delivery address field is removed.

The button + CREATE NEW ADDRESS is used to open a form where a new delivery address can be created for the customer. You can leave the Address no field blank. In that case M3 BE will assign an address number to the record when the address is created. The addresses are created with “Address type” = 1 when SUBMIT is clicked and the user is navigated back to the Shipment panel.

The selected or new delivery address is shown in the Delivery address field.