Open orders - list

The Open Orders list shows orders in Infor Sales Hub that have not yet been finalized and the information in the list is therefore local. The fields shown in the list cannot be customized.

The filter in the list is set to SALESPERSON by default, which is the user signed in. You can change the filter to LOCATION, which shows all the open orders for the warehouse used. For option LOCATION, the refresh button refreshes the list. The RESUME button can be used to resume working on a specific order. Click RESUME to open the item search in the context of the selected order. If an order that is owned by another user is resumed, the Resume Order dialog is opened to inform the user that the order is owned by another user.

When you start Infor Sales Hub, open orders that were changed more than 24 hours ago are converted to expired orders. Expired orders are shown in the Expired Orders view of the Inbox tab.