Container information on a shipper

The container and serial number related information for a shipment is based on the customer's configuration. When creating a shipper, you must specify the master and detail containers, or detail containers only, along with the serial and the lot numbers, based on the customer preferences.

As part of the shipper creation process, on the Package Maintenance page, you can:

  • Set up the default packaging data.
  • Define the template code for the container.

When a shipper is created, the container information associated with the package is defaulted. However, you can modify the default container information and publish the shipper as an Advance Ship Notice (ASN).

Note:  If you ship using Mixed containers, the containers can be grouped before publishing the shipper or printing the bar code labels. The master containers that are set as Mixed can be grouped. You can change the flag by modifying the master and detail containers.

For a selected part, the application uses this search path to default the package data for a shipper:

  1. The package with a specific Facility and a specific Ship To combination defined by the customer.
  2. The package with a specific Facility and a specific Ship To combination defined by the supplier.
  3. The package with a specific Facility and All Ship To combination defined by the customer.
  4. The package with a specific Facility and All Ship To combination defined by the supplier.
  5. The package with All Facility and All Ship To combination defined by the customer.
  6. The package with All Facility and All Ship To combination defined by the supplier.
  • Only one package template can be created for each of the specified combinations.
  • If the packaging template is defined for the container, the template is defaulted for the shipper, in the above specified order of preference.
  • When the packaging template is not defined for the container, you can define the container data for the shipper on the Containers page.