Shipment Tracking Console

Use this page to review the details of the shipment with status in-transit. You can review the shipment details such as the estimated and actual arrival date and time at the checkpoint location, estimated and actual delivery dates at the Ship To location.

The information is displayed based on the search criteria specified in the Shipment Tracking Console Search Criteria page.

Review this information is displayed in the Shipments section:

Field Name Field Description
Status The status of the shipment. Possible values:
  • Early
  • Late
  • On-time
Ship From The location from where the parts are shipped.
Facility The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
Ship To The location to which the parts are shipped.
ASN The Advance Ship Notice (ASN) related to the shipment.
Shipping Date The date and time when the shipment is sent from the Ship From. This information is defaulted from Shipper.
Status Revision Date The date and time when the checkpoint status for the shipment is last modified.
Original Delivery Date The estimated date and time when the shipment is delivered to the delivery location at the Ship To. This is calculated when the ASN is published.
Note:  This value is determined based on the transit times for the Ship From and Ship To combination.
Estimated Delivery Date The estimated date and time when the shipment is expected to be delivered at the Ship To.
Variance The difference between Original Delivery Date and Estimated Delivery Date.
Actual Delivery Date The date and time when the shipment is delivered at the Ship To location.

You can also use this page to:

  • Review the ASN associated with the shipment. Click the ASN number for the shipment, to view the ASN details page.
  • Review the shipment status updates. Click View corresponding to the shipment, to view the checkpoints related information for the shipment. The Shipment Status Update page is displayed.