Printing shipping documents

From the Shipper page, you can print a variety of shipping documents. Generating a document creates a PDF, which can be viewed and printed through the Acrobat Reader.

  1. Click Print Shipping Documents at the bottom of the shipper.
  2. Select the Document Type to be created in the Generate Document table.
  3. Click Generate Document.
    If you selected Packing List: North America, Shipper/Bill of Lading: North America, or Shipper: VDA, the shipper displays in a new browser window as a PDF.
  4. Click the Print toolbar bar option. If you selected Bill of Lading: VDA or Document Accompanying Goods: VDA, a form displays for additional information. Fill out the form and click Print. The shipper displays in a new browser window as a PDF.
  5. Click the Print toolbar option.