Modifying the Proposed Purchase Order line item

Use this page to modify the proposed purchase order (PPO) line item details.

  1. Select Demand > Proposed POs > Proposed PO Management. The Proposed PO Management List page is displayed.
  2. Click Edit corresponding to the Proposed PO Number. The Proposed PO page is displayed.
  3. Click Edit corresponding to the line item. The Line Item Detail page is displayed.
  4. Review this information in the Proposed PO Information section:
    The name of the location from where the request for the parts is raised.
    Ship To
    The location to which the parts are shipped.
    Delivery Name
    The name of the delivery location at the Ship To to which the parts are sent.
    Proposed PO Number
    The PPO number associated with the requirement.
    Proposed PO Date
    The date when the PPO is created.
    PO Number
    The PO number associated with the requirements.
    Buyer Contact
    The name of the user associated with the PPO.
  5. Review this information in the Part Information section:
    Customer Part
    The customer defined code of the part.
    Supplier Part
    The code of the part.
    The customer-defined description of the part.
    Model ID/Year
    The code of the part that indicates the year when the part is used.
    Eng. Level (Engineering Level)
    The customer defined code that indicates the required version of the part.
  6. Modify this information on the Pricing Information tab:
    Required Date
    The date on which the parts are required.
    Note:  This field is highlighted if the customer recommends a change of the date on which the part must be delivered, when negotiating the PPO line item.
    The quantity of the part required.
    Note:  This field is highlighted if the customer recommends a change of the quantity for the part that must be shipped, when negotiating the PPO line item.
    Unit Price
    The price per unit of measure for the part.
    Note:  This field is highlighted if the customer recommends a change of the part price, when negotiating the PPO line item.

    Review this information:

    Pricing U of M (Unit of Measurement)
    The Unit of Measure (U of M) to determine the pricing for the ordered quantity of the part.
    Tax Exempt
    Indicates the tax exemption status of the part.
    Ext. Price
    The total price of the PPO line item.
    Extended price = Unit Price X Quantity Ordered
  7. Modify this information on the Schedule tab:
    Required Date
    The date when the parts are required.
    The quantity of the part required.
    Unit Price
    The price for each unit of the part.
    Ship To
    The location to which the parts are shipped for a specific schedule.
    Indicates if a backorder is created for the corresponding PO line or schedule.
    Indicates if Resupply is created for the corresponding PO line or schedule.

    Review this information:

    Reference Number
    The number to identify the schedule created by the customer.
  8. Add or modify the notes and the files attached to the line item on the Notes tab.
  9. Review this information on the Allowances and Charges tab:
    The code that indicates whether the Amount specified is an allowance or charge related to the PO line item.
    The allowance or charge amount related to the PO line item.
    The description of the allowance or charge.
  10. Review this information on the History tab:
    The date on which the action is performed on the PPO line item.
    The type of action performed on the PPO line item.
    The name of the user who performed the Action.
    Reference Number
    The number to identify the schedule created by the customer.
    The quantity of the part required.
    Unit Price
    The price for each unit of the part.
    Required Date
    The date when the parts are required.
    The additional information related to the Action performed on the PPO line item.
  11. Click Submit. The Proposed PO page is displayed.