Purchase order events

This section provides information about the events that are displayed on the Purchase Orders tab in the Event Management Console page. The events include:

  • Past Due: The number of purchase orders (POs), for which the current date has exceeded the due date and the corresponding shipper is not published, is displayed.
  • Due Today: The number of POs, that are due on the current date and the corresponding shipper is not published, is displayed.
    Note: A PO that is due on the current date is also displayed in the list of POs that are due in the next seven days.
  • Due Within 7 Days: The number of POs that are due in the next seven days and the corresponding shipper is not published, is displayed.
  • Unviewed: The number of POs that are not reviewed is displayed.
  • With Rejected Items: The number of POs, for which you have rejected the line items in the past seven days, is displayed.
  • With Backordered Items: The number of POs, for which you have backordered the line items in the past seven days, is displayed.
  • With Resupply Items: The number of POs, for which PO line/schedule of type Resupply is created in the next seven days from the PO date, is displayed.