CUM Shipped History List

Use this page to review the shipment details for the part such as the total quantity shipped, shipper number, shipper date, adjustment quantity and the purchase order number.

  • You can access this page from the CUM Shipped History menu and the information is displayed based on the values specified on the CUM Shipped History Search Criteria page.
  • You can also access this page from the Shipment Adjustment menu and the information is displayed based on the values specified on the Shipment Adjustment page.
Field Name Field Description
Facility The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
Ship To The location to which the parts are shipped.
Ship From The location from where the parts are shipped.
Customer Part The customer defined code of the part.
Part Description The customer defined description of the part.
PO Number The purchase order (PO) number associated with the requirements.
Action Type The event that updated the CUM shipped quantity.
ASN The Advance Ship Notice (ASN) related to the shipment for the part.
Shipper The code of the shipper.
Date The date on which the Action Type is performed for the part.
Adjust Amount The quantity of the part adjusted for the shipment.
Adjust Description The description for the quantity of the part adjusted.
CUM Shipped The cumulative quantity of the part shipped to date.