Deleting messages

Use this page to delete messages from Inbox and Trash folders.
Note:  The messages deleted from the Trash folder cannot be retrieved.

To delete the messages:

  1. Select Communications > Messages. The Messages page is displayed.
  2. Click Inbox. The Inbox Message Selection section is displayed.
  3. Select the check box corresponding to the messages that you require to delete or click Select All, to select all the messages.
  4. Click Move Selected to Trash. The application prompts for confirmation of the process to move the message(s) to Trash.
  5. Click Submit. The selected messages are moved to Trash.
  6. Click Trash on the Messages page. The Trash Message Selection section is displayed.
  7. Select check box corresponding to the messages you require to delete or click Select All, to select all the messages.
  8. Click Delete. The application prompts for confirmation of the deletion process.
  9. Click Submit. The selected messages are deleted.