Creating a host profile

Use this page to create the profile of the host computer used for receiving or sending the files.

  1. Select Communications > Define Hosts. The Host Profiles page is displayed.
  2. Click Add in the Host Details section. The Computer Profile page is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    Host Name
    The name of the host system used for receiving or sending the files.
    The method used for data transfer such as the FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
    User ID
    The user ID to access the host system.
    The password to access the host system.
    Confirm Password
    The password, which must be the same as the value specified in the Password field.
    Operating System
    The operating system that is installed on the host system. Possible values:
    • UNIX
    • OS400
    • DOS
    The Transmission Control Protocol or Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) address of the host system.
    Port Number
    The FTP port number used for communication.
    Note:  This value is defaulted to 21. However, the value can also be modified.
    Time Zone
    The time zone to determine the date and time of the host system.
  4. Click Submit. The Host Profiles page is displayed