Setting the details of the attachment type

Use this page to specify the type of attachments required to be submitted by a supplier for a business document.

  1. Select Setup > Customer Profiles. The Customer Profiles page is displayed.
  2. Select the Setup option corresponding to the Enable Attachment Types check box. The Set up Attachment Types page is displayed.
    Note: The Setup option is displayed only when the Enable Attachment Types check box is selected.
  3. Select the Add Attachment Type option to define the attachment type.
    Note: You can select the Edit option to modify an existing attachment type.
  4. Specify this information:
    The code of the document
    The name of the document
    Select the check box to enable the file attachment option.
  5. Select the business document(s) for which the attachments are required in the Business Document Mappings section.
  6. Select the Edit option. The Document Mapping window is displayed.
  7. Select the Mandatory check box.
  8. Click Save Mapping.
    Note: The document can only be processed when the mandatory attachments are provided by the supplier.
  9. Click the Save Attachment Type option.
    You can use the options on this page to:
    • Create a new attachment type using the Add Attachment Type option.
    • Delete a business document using the Delete Selected Mapping option.
    • Modify the file attachment type required for a business document using the Edit option.