Modifying the supplier performance metric rating

Use this page to modify the supplier performance rating.

  1. Select Supplier Performance > Enter Scores.
  2. Review and specify the criteria.
  3. Click Continue. The Metric Scores page is displayed.
  4. Click Edit corresponding to the category in the Transactional Metrics section. The category test Scores page.
  5. Specify or review this information:
    Modified By
    The name of the user who modified the supplier performance rating.
    Modified Date
    The date on which the supplier performance rating is modified.
    Generated Score
    The score based on the supplier performance.
    Generated Rating
    The rating based on the supplier performance.
    Modified Rating
    The new rating for the supplier.
    The reason for modifying the supplier performance rating.
  6. Click Override. The category test Scores page is displayed.