RFQ Attachments

Use this page to review the documents linked to the RFQ line.

Review this RFQ line information:

Field Name Field Description
RFQ Number The code of the RFQ.
Line The RFQ line number.
Line Status The status of the RFQ line.
Part The code and description of the part linked to the RFQ line.
Auction Type The type of bidding for the RFQ line.
Line Expiry The date up to which the response to the RFQ line can be sent.
Req Quantity The quantity of the part required by the customer.

Review this information in the Buyer Attachments and Response Attachments section:

Note: The Response Attachments section is displayed only if you click in the responses section corresponding to the supplier on the Buyer Console Drilldown page.
Field Name Field Description
Attachment The name of the document linked to the RFQ line.
Note: You can click the link to download the document.
Added Date The date on which the document is attached.
Additional Information The additional information related to the document.

You can also use this page to add the documents to the RFQ line using the Choose File option. Select the document and click Attach. You can add additional information related to the document in the Additional Information field.