Creating the Proposed Purchase Order

Use the Proposed PO Creation page to create the Proposed Purchase Order (PPO). You can specify the PPO related details such as the release number, supplier, facility, ship to, tax, discounts and the line item information.

  1. Select Demand > Proposed POs > Create Proposed POs.
  2. Specify this information:
    The name of the supplier responsible for supplying the part.
    The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
    Ship To
    The location at which the parts are received.
    Buyer Contact
    The name of the user (planner) associated with the PPO.
    Proposed PO Number
    The PPO number associated with the requirement.
    Proposed PO Date
    The date on which the PPO is created.
    Delivery Name
    The name of the location to which the parts are delivered.
    Release Number
    The number associated with the file in which the PO is published.
    Generation Date
    The date when the PPO is generated.
    Contact Email
    The email ID of the user specified in the Buyer Contact.
    Contact Phone Number
    The telephone number of the user specified in the Buyer Contact.
    Method of Payment
    The payment terms for the transportation charges.
    Terms of Discount/Sale
    The discount percentage applicable to the invoice.
    Terms Disc. Days
    The number of days up to which the terms discount is applicable to the invoice.
    Supplier Acceptance Generates Discrete PO
    If this check box is selected, the PPO is converted to a Discrete PO when the requirements are accepted by the supplier.
    Order Number
    The number to track the PPO.
    Tax ID
    The tax code assigned by the tax authority such as the state or a county.
    Tax Exempt
    Indicates the tax exemption status of the PO.
    Tax Exempt ID
    The tax exempt code assigned by the tax authority such as the state or a county. This field is enabled only if the Tax Exempt check box is selected.
    State Tax
    The percentage of the invoice amount that is charged as tax, as determined by the tax authority of the state.
    City Tax
    The percentage of the invoice amount that is charged as tax, as determined by the tax authority of the city.
    Country Tax
    The percentage of the invoice amount that is charged as tax, as determined by the tax authority of the country.
  3. Click Add in the Line Item Detail section, to add the line item information.
  4. Specify this information:
    Line Number
    The PPO line number.
    Customer Part
    The code of the part. This value is defaulted from the Part Number field on the Part Information page.
    Supplier Part
    The supplier defined code of the part.
    Required Date
    The date when the part is required.
    The quantity of the part required.
    U of M
    The Unit of Measure (U of M) for the ordered quantity of the part.
    Ship To
    The location to which the parts are shipped for a specific line.
    Unit Price
    The price for each specified unit of measure of the part.
    Ext. Price
    The total price of the line item.
    Extended Price = Unit Price X Ordered Quantity
    • You can modify the line item information. Select the check box corresponding to the line number and click Edit. The Proposed PO line item detail page is displayed.
    • You can copy the line item details. Select the check box corresponding to the line number and click Copy.
    • You can delete the line item details. Select the check box corresponding to the line number and click Delete
  5. Click on the Allowances and Charges tab to specify the allowance and charges.
  6. Specify this information:

    The type of the amount. Possible values:

    • Allowance
    • Charge
    The allowance or charge related to the PPO.
    The description of the allowance or charge.
  7. Click on the Notes tab to specify the additional information or attach the files related to the PPO using the Attach File option.
  8. Click Save or Publish.