Part Group

Setup > Master Data > Part group Create

Use this page to view the list of part groups and the tolerances associated with the Buyer Auto Accept - Proposed Purchase Order (PPO) and the Shipment Blocking functionalities.

Review this information:

Field Name Field Description
Part Group The code of the part group.
Part Group Description The description of the part group.

Review this information in the Buyer Auto Accept - PPO Tolerances section:

Field Name Field Description
Lower Tolerance (Quantity) The tolerance (in percentage) up to which the shortage in the quantity of the part associated with the PPO is accepted.
Upper Tolerance (Quantity) The tolerance (in percentage) up to which the additional quantity of the part associated with the PPO is accepted.
Lower Tolerance (Price) The tolerance (in percentage) up to which the decrease in the price of the part associated with the PPO is accepted.
Upper Tolerance (Price) The tolerance (in percentage) up to which the increase in the price of the part associated with the PPO is accepted.
Lower Tolerance (Delivery Date) The tolerance (in days) up to which the advance delivery of the part associated with the PPO is accepted.
Lower Tolerance (Delivery Date) The tolerance (in days) up to which the advance delivery of the part associated with the PPO is accepted.
Upper Tolerance (Delivery Date) The tolerance (in days) up to which the delay in delivery of the part associated with the PPO is accepted.

Review this information in the Shipment Blocking Tolerances section:

Field Name Field Description
Lower Tolerance (Quantity) The tolerance (in percentage) up to which the shortage in the quantity of the part associated with the Advance Ship Notice (ASN)/shipment is accepted.
Upper Tolerance (Quantity) The tolerance (in percentage) up to which the additional quantity of the part associated with the Advance Ship Notice (ASN)/shipment is accepted.
Lower Tolerance (Delivery Date) The tolerance (in days) up to which the delivery in advance of the part associated with the ASN/shipment is accepted.
Upper Tolerance (Delivery Date) The tolerance (in days) up to which the delay in delivery of the part associated with the ASN/shipment is accepted.

You can also use this page to modify the part group details using the Edit option. The Part Group Information page is displayed.