Assigning the proxy users to Categories

Use this page to assign a category manager and vendor manager proxy user to a specific product category. You can also activate the proxy response for the category.

  1. Select Supplier Onboarding > Proxy Users. The Proxy Users page is displayed.
  2. Click the Edit option corresponding to a category.
  3. Review this information:
    The name of the product category.
    Category Manager
    The name of the category manager who is assigned to the product category.
    Vendor Assurance Manager
    The name of the vendor assurance manager who is assigned to the product category.
  4. Select proxy users in the Category Manager Proxy and Vendor Assurance Manager Proxy fields for the category.
  5. Click Save to assign the category manager and vendor assurance manager proxy users to the category.
  6. Select the name of the user for whom the proxy user is authorized to evaluate surveys and approve the applications. The list of categories for which the user is a category manager or vendor assurance manager, is displayed.
  7. Click Activate Proxy Response. The proxy user is authorized to evaluate surveys and approve the applications for the categories.
    • A user must assign a proxy user for at least one product category associated with the user.
    • Only admin users can assign and provide authorization to a proxy user.
    • A user (without the admin rights) is only authorized to activate and deactivate a proxy user for the product categories that are associated with the user.
    • You can search for a specific proxy user assigned to a category, using the Search option