Defining the search criteria for High Fab/Mat CUM report

Use this page to specify the search criteria to generate the report for the fabrication (Fab) and material (Mat) cumulative (CUM) quantities.

  1. Select Demand > CUM Management > High Fab/Mat CUM Report.
  2. Specify this information:
    The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
    Ship To
    The location at which the parts are received.
    The name of the supplier.
    Customer Part
    The code of the part.
    PO Number
    The purchase order (PO) number associated with the requirement.
    Include Parts that do not have Fab/Mat CUMs?
    If this check box is selected, the parts that do not have the Fab/Mat CUM values defined are also displayed.
  3. Click Continue.