Host Profiles

Use this page to view the list of host profiles. You can create, modify or delete the host profiles for the host system used for receiving or sending the files. You can also specify the user to whom an email is sent, to notify the status of the file transfer.

Review this information in the Host Details section:

Field Name Field Description
Host Name The name of the host system used for receiving or sending the files.
Facility The name of the location from where the demand for the parts is raised.
User ID The user ID of the host system.
Operating System The operating system installed on the host system. Possible values:
  • UNIX
  • OS400
  • DOS
Address The Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) address of the host.
Port The FTP port number used for communication.
Time Zone The time zone of the host system.

Review this information in the Contact Name section:

Field Name Field Description
Name The name of the user.
Notify Status The file transfer event for which the user is notified. You can select these options:
  • Success: If this check box is selected, an email is sent to the user when the file transfer is successful.
  • Failure: If this check box is selected, an email is sent to the user when the file transfer fails.

You can also use this page to:

  • Create a host profile using the Add option. The Computer Profile page is displayed.
  • Modify the host profile using the Edit option corresponding to the Host Name. The Computer Profile page is displayed.
  • Delete the host profile. Click corresponding to the Host Name. The application prompts for confirmation of the process. Click OK.