Adding site type

Use this page to add a new site and link the site to the certificates, surveys and agreements.

  1. Select Supplier Onboarding > Code List > Site Types. The Site Types page is displayed.
  2. Click New. The Add Site Type page is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    Site type
    The type of the site. For example: purchase office, warehouse, and so on.
    The description for the site.
    Approval Required
    Select this check box to mandate the site approval.
    Approval Group
    The group that approves the site. This field is enabled only when the Approval Required check box is selected.
  4. Click Save. The Certificates, Agreements and Surveys tabs are enabled.
  5. Click the Certificates tab.
  6. Select the Certificate that must be linked to the site.
  7. Click Add to add the certificates.
  8. Specify or review the certificate details
    Certificate Name
    The name of the Certificate.
    The description of the certificate.
    Select this check box to indicate that the certificate must be uploaded.
  9. Click the Agreements tab.
  10. Select the agreement that must be linked to the site.
  11. Click Add to add the agreement.
  12. Specify or review the agreement details:
    Agreement Name
    The name of the Agreement.
    The description of the agreement.
    Select this check box to indicate that the agreement must be signed and uploaded.
  13. Click the Surveys tab.
  14. Select the surveys that must be linked to the site.
  15. Click Add.
  16. Review the survey details such as the name and description of the survey.
    Note: You can delete a certificate, agreement or a survey linked to the site type, using the Delete option.