Accepting or rejecting an AETC Request

Use this page to accept or reject the Authorized Excess Transportation Cost (AETC) Request.
Note:  You can accept or reject only the AETC requests with status Waiting Approval.
  1. Select Shipments > Reply to AETC Requests.
  2. Specify the search criteria.
  3. Click Submit. The AETC requests are displayed in the AETC Shipping Requests section.
  4. Click Edit corresponding to the supplier. The Request Details page is displayed.
  5. Review this information:
    The name of the supplier responsible for supplying the parts.
    The name of the location from where the request for the parts is raised.
    Ship To
    The location to which the parts are shipped.
    Shipper No.
    The code or number of the shipper.
    Ship Date
    The date when the shipment is sent.
    Request Date
    The date when the AETC request is published.
    Shipper No.
    The code of the shipper.
    Excess Cost
    The shipping cost that does not meet the terms and conditions of the contract.
    The additional information by the supplier related to the AETC Request.
    AETC No.
    The AETC code that indicates the excess cost related to the shipment.
    The business partner (customer or supplier) responsible to pay the additional costs related to the shipment.
    The additional information related to the authorization.
    The status of the AETC request. Possible values:
    • Accepted
    • Rejected
    • Waiting Approval
  6. Click Submit. The Request List page is displayed.