Managing the Survey Evaluation list

Use this page to manage the survey responses.

To access this page, select Surveys > Survey Evaluations.

The surveys that are yet to be evaluated are displayed based on these Search Criteria:

Field Name Field Description
Vendor/Supplier Name The name of the vendor/supplier. You can only view the list of the suppliers/vendors who have submitted the surveys.
Country The name of the country where the vendor/supplier is located.
Respondent The type of respondent. Possible values:
  • Existing Supplier
  • New Vendor
Survey Type The type of survey.
Status The status of the survey evaluation.
Submit Date from The date from which the survey responses submitted by the supplier, are displayed.
Submit Date To The date up to which the survey responses submitted by the supplier, are displayed.
Note: You can search for an appropriate supplier/vendor, using the Search option.

You can use the Survey Name option to evaluate the survey on the Survey Evaluation page that is displayed.