Defining the search criteria for Supplier Usage Dashboard

Use this page to define the search criteria for supplier usage dashboard report.

  1. Select Supplier Performance > Supplier Usage Dashboard. The Supplier Usage Dashboard page is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    The name of the location.
    The name of the supplier.
    From Date
    The date on which the report starts.
    End Date
    The end on which the report ends.
  3. Click ASN Published to view the list of ASN published between the specified range of date.
  4. Click Unconfirmed POs to view the list of unconfirmed purchase orders between the specified range date.
    • The unconfirmed purchase orders are displayed based on the value set on the Customer Profiles page.
    • The customer can click the hyperlin k in the Unconfirmed POs column to view the list of purchase orders that are unconfirmed based on the value set on the Customer Profiles page.
  5. Click Login Summary to view the last login date and the number of users logged in for the supplier.